Guardian BreakThru – Pistol – Cincinnati on July 15th 2018


This Guardian Essentials – Pistol course is the first in a series of 3 defensive pistol courses. In this 1-day course, it starts out fairly basic, but it advances quickly throughout the day. Participants will need to be prepared to come ready to learn and focus as it will require focused effort at all times to successfully accomplish the course objectives. 

Enroll today to begin your journey! Learn more below.

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Guardian BreakThru – Pistol
WHEN: Sunday July 15th, 2018 From 8:30am to 5:30pm
WHERE: Impact Shooting Center just outside of Cincinnati Ohio

This Guardian BreakThru – Pistol course is the second in a series of 3 defensive pistol courses. In order to attend students MUST have previously have completed Guardian Standards – Pistol.

In this 1-day course, students build on the essential skills developed in Guardian Standards Pistol. Students will be timed and scored on core drills and tests and will all grow and show improvement by the end of the day.

The course is called “BreakThru” because students will go beyond the comfort zone to incorporate new skills that prepare the shooting for any potential defensive incidend. 

Graduates Will Receive:

  • A signed certificate of course completion
  • A custom Patch specific to the course that only those who have attended and completed the Guardian BreakThru – Pistol course have the privilege of wearing and displaying
  • A numbered Challenge Coin that can be added to your own personal collection of Challenge Coins received for completion and distinction attained in and Guardian Nation courses


Besides these awesome gifts and extras, our goal is to provide as complete and turnkey of an experience as possible, so we will also be including all of the following in this upcoming Guardian BreakThru – Pistol course:

  • A catered lunch ($20 Value)
  • Snacks and drinks throughout the day
  • Sunscreen
  • Access to club-house
  • World-class instruction from qualified and experienced instructors
  • Eye and Ear Protection, if necessary

Approximately 400 rounds will be fired in this single day course. (ammo not included)


Class curriculum will cover the following:

  • A deeper dive into working with cover and using various shooting positions 
  • Support hand only shooting
  • Single hand malfunction clearing (Type 1, 2, 3)
  • Response while seated (car, desk, restaurant, etc)
  • Different types of and faster reloads
  • A lot of shooting while moving in dynamic environments
  • Faster target identification and target transitions
  • Shooting from close quarter combat positions
  • Final Exercises that will test your skills and abilities learned throughout the day


Meet Your Instructors:

Matthew Maruster & Riley Bowman

Riley is an accomplished firearms shooter and instructor. With a background in law enforcement and security, Riley enjoys sharing his knowledge and expertise when it comes to firearms safety, self-defense and concealed carry. Riley is an NRA Pistol Instructor and is also a Colorado P.O.S.T. Certified Law Enforcement Handgun and Patrol Rifle Instructor as well as a certified Glock Armorer. Riley successfully won his division of the Rocky Mountain Regional Championship of The American Marksman competition and was a finalist at the National Championship. He is also the Creator and Host of the Concealed Carry Podcast.

Matthew Maruster currently lives in Columbus, Ohio. Matthew served in combat as an infantry Staff Sergeant in the Marine Corps. After his military service, he served as a Police Officer in San Diego County. He was a lead marksmanship instructor in the Marine Corps. As well as an assistant range master, and crisis negotiator at his former police department. Matthew is an NRA certified pistol instructor, Range Safety Officer and has over 17 years of professional firearms instruction and training. Matthew has a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice from National University.



This Guardian BreakThru – Pistol course is part of a curriculum from that is a culmination of teaching thousands of students; studying, interviewing and taking courses from many of the great instructors of the modern fighting pistol and techniques. We have distilled modern gunfighting down to its most basic form and science and only spend time teaching what you ACTUALLY NEED and what is PROVEN to be EFFECTIVE in WINNING GUNFIGHTS!!

You will not find this exact course or curriculum anywhere else! You will find portions of it and pieces that inspired it elsewhere, but you will not find all those courses in one place taught in one class in one day like you will here in Guardian BreakThru – Pistol from

Ready to Enroll in The Class?

Not Just Yet… Please Read Some Important Information About What Students Will Need to Bring to The Class…

Students will have to meet these prerequisites and bring the following:

Have previously attended and passed Guardian Essentials Pistol

Be physically capable of walking, running, kneeling, standing, sitting, etc. If you have physical limitations, we will do our best to accommodate you. Please let us know ahead of time if you require special accommodations.

A handgun that is appropriate for CCW and defensive shooting
* Micro compact guns are not preferred as your primary firearms—Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard and similar. You may have opportunities to try your micro pistols at an appropriate time, but you will struggle throughout the day if your primary pistol is one of these types.
* Double-stack mid-sized or full-sized semi-autos are preferred—Glock 19 or similar—but not absolutely necessary. Slightly smaller carry pistols (Glock 43, S&W Shield, Ruger LC9, etc.) have been used successfully in this course, but they are more difficult to shoot than their slightly larger counterparts.
* We want you to use what you will actually carry or defend your home with. But with smaller guns, they will be more difficult to shoot quickly and accurately, and you will be required to reload more often.

A MINIMUM of 3 magazines for double-stack guns, and a MINIMUM of 5 magazines for single-stack guns.

An appropriate holster—a concealment holster is preferred, but not necessary. OWB holsters are acceptable as well. The following holsters are not allowed for primary use: ankle, thigh, bra, crossdraw. This is for the safety of other students on the firing line. If one of these styles of holsters is your primary daily carry holster, please let us know, and we will give you an opportunity to train with these at an appropriate time during the course.

Appropriate clothing for the shooting and weather conditions: Pants, No low-collared or V-neck shirts, Hat with a forward-facing brim, Good shoes or boots, Kneepads if you want or have knee problems as there will be some kneeling and shooting, Coat/Jacket depending on weather, shooting gloves if desired. We will generally still hold this class regardless of the weather, so come prepared to be hot, cold, wet, or frozen.

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